Read about the history of Kimba (manga, TV series, movies) around the world, and download the audio and video clips (in RealAudio and RealVideo, as well as in Windows Media format) from the series and from the other releases Look at some interesting lost pages about Kimba and Kimba vs. Simba contradiction, which were online a few years ago To find and get your own Kimba merchandise; Please visit the following pages/sections: manga releases, video releases, DVD releases, CD releases, Japanese releases (mostly DVDs), and other merchandise Share your thoughts, your opinions, and communicate with other Kimba fans on this message board

If you're a first-time visitor to this website, and/or if you would like to be sure of what is the right Kimba video/DVD release for you, perhaps this page might help you in your searchWhat was done in the past few decades regarding Kimba video or computer games? Why it still didn't make to the videogame systems or home computers? What next? The answers to all these and similar questions you can read here.

November 15, 2012



Kimba (Japanese / U.S. / Croatian / Slovene) Kimba (U.S. / German / Italian / French) Leo the Lion New Adventures of Kimba the White Lion

U.S. titles (1966, 2000, 2003, 2005) German titles (1977) Italian titles (1977) French titles (1990)
Go White Lion Flucht in die Freiheit Vai, leone bianco La naissance de Léo
Jungle Thief Der Dschungeldieb La siccita` La sécheresse
Dangerous Journey Gefährliche Reise L'albero della medicina Le vieux sage
Great Caesar's Ghost Cäsars Geist Tutti gli animali sono uguali Les chasseurs
Journey Into Time Reise durch die Zeit La leggenda L'histoire du Dieu Lion
Restaurant Trouble Ärger mit dem Gastgewerbe Un ristorante nella giungla Le restaurant de Koko
The Bad Baboon Tödliche Feindschaft La rivincita Le retour de Sandy
The Wind In The Desert Der Wind in der Wüste Il vento del deserto Le vent du désert
Insect Invasion Die Heuschreckenplage L'invasione delle cavallette Le nuage fou
Battle At Dead River Die Schlacht am toten Fluss La battaglia del fiume Donga La zizanie
Scrambled Eggs Keine Feier ohne Eier Le uova scomparse La valse des oeufs
The Chameleon Who Cried Wolf Das verlogene Chameleon Le bugie del camaleonte Louis le caméléon
Gypsy's Purple Potion Gypsys lila Gift La maga della foresta La sorcière
A Human Friend Unser neuer Freund La scuola degli animali L'école des animaux
The Wild Wildcat Der wilde Willi Il puma Un ami encombrant
City Of Gold Die goldene Stadt Un'avventura da leggenda La grotte fantôme
The Last Poacher Der letzte Wilddieb L'ultimo bracconiere Le dernier chasseur
The Trappers Die Tierfänger Il coro della giungla La chorale de la jungle
The Hunting Ground Expedition Tonga La riserva di caccia 2° parte Une question de survie
The Legend Of Hippo Valley Im Tal der Flusspferde La valle degli ippopotami La guerre de l'eau
The Magic Serpent Die magische Schlange Amico avvoltoio Le serpent bleu
Volcano Island Die Vulkaninsel Il vulcano del lago Un caractère volcanique
The Flying Tiger Fliger, der fliegende Tiger La tigre volante Le tigre volant
Running Wild Die wilde Jagd Attenti alle antilopi La horde sauvage
Destroyers From The Desert Die Zerstörer aus der Wüste Via dalla giungla Les Dieux de la Mort
The Trouble-Maker Immer Ärger mit Benny Il cucciolo di struzzo Un vrai pot de colle
The Gigantic Grasshopper Der Schrecken im Berg La cavalletta gigante Le monstre
The Mystery Of The Deserted Village Das Geheimnis des verlassenen Dorfes Ricordando il passato Une randonnée en safarimobile
Jungle Justice Flußpferd unter Mordverdacht L'ippopotamo Fuk l'hippopotame
Too Many Elephants Die Elefanten sollen sterben L'elefantino Sandy le petit éléphant
Nightmare Narcissus Die Albtraum Narzisse Il fiore della discordia La plante maléfique
Adventures In The City Onkel in Nöten L'inseguimento La poursuite
Such Sweet Sorrow Endlich wieder Mary La giungla e` in pericolo La montagne blanche
Diamonds In The Gruff Kroko mit Brillanten In trappola La rivière en feu
The Runaway Das Tier des Jahres Medaglia di coraggio La médaille de Tim
A Revolting Development Revolte im Dschungel Il progetto La viande végétale
Silvertail The Renegade Der Einzelgänger Chi aiutera` il leone? Le vieux lion
A Friend In Deed Ein Freund in Not La valle dell'arcobaleno La vallée de l'arc-en-ciel
Two Hearts And Two Minds Zwei Herzen und zwei Seelen La forza del cuore La menace venue du ciel
Soldier Of Fortune Der Glücksritter Conosci le otarie? Otto, l'aventurier
The Day The Sun Went Out Der dunkelste Tag Gli antenati di Kimba Le temple
The Red Menace Der Dschungel brennt L'incendio Les fleurs rouges
Jungle Fun Spass im Jungel Il contrattacco della pantera 1° parte Le retour de la panthe`re noire
The Pretenders Die Thronbewerber Il contrattacco della pantera 2° parte Le piège
The Monster Of The Petrified Valley Das Monstrum aus dem versteinerten Tal Il mostro della valle La vallée perdue
Fair Game Freiwild Un grande sogno La promesse
The Balloon That Blows Up Auf und davon La mongolfiera Le message
The Monster Of The Mountain Der Räuber vom Donnerberg Vita da orsi L'ours en colère
The Sun Tree Der Sonnenbaum L'albero del sogno nascente L'arbre du soleil levant
The Cobweb Caper Im Netz der Spinne La tela del ragno Les araignées géantes
The Return Of Fancy Prancy Dschungeldame mit Hut Ritorno al passato Un retour embarrassant
Catch 'Em If You Can Fang sie wenn du kannst La riserva di caccia 1° parte La réserve

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Glen Johnson's 60's anime - Kimba The White Lion