If you're a first-time visitor to this website, and/or if you would like to be sure of what is the right Kimba video/DVD release for you, perhaps this page might help you in your searchWhat was done in the past few decades regarding Kimba video or computer games? Why it still didn't make to the videogame systems or home computers? What next? The answers to all these and similar questions you can read here.

November 15, 2012










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Read about the history of Kimba (manga, TV series, movies) around the world, and download the audio and video clips (in RealAudio and RealVideo, as well as in Windows Media format) from the series and from the other releases Look at some interesting lost pages about Kimba and Kimba vs. Simba contradiction, which were online a few years ago To find and get your own Kimba merchandise; Please visit the following pages/sections: manga releases, video releases, DVD releases, CD releases, Japanese releases (mostly DVDs), and other merchandise Share your thoughts, your opinions, and communicate with other Kimba fans on this message board