This is a Japanese CD; all tracks are instrumental. The book is in Japanese. Click each musical note below for a 30-second sample of certain tracks.
- Morning in the Jungle and the Birth of Rune and Rukio

- Ham-egg Goes to the City of Endigona
- The Secret of the Moonlight Stone
- Rune Wants to Fly through the Sky
- The Music Box Is Found at the Old Airplane
- Bizo, the Baby Elephant, and Rune Fight
- The Humans Ravage the Jungle
- Fire in the Jungle
- Leo's Anger

- Rune Is Saved by Higeoyaji
- 1. Rune's Yearning for Human Society
2. Rune Imagines the Human World
- Massive Flood in the Jungle
- 1. The Mammoth Appears Through the Mist

2. The Mysterious Mount Moon Breaks Through the Clouds
- Circus Music
- Jacko the Rat
- Rune and Mary
- Fire at the Circus
- Leaving Mary
- The Plague Spreads Through the Jungle
- The Death of Riya
- Higeoyaji Saves the Animals
- Leo's Decision to Go to Mount Moon
- The Expedition to Mount Moon
- Difficult Going
- The Wolves Attack
- Approaching the Summit of the Mountain
- The Moonlight Stone Found
- Leo and Higeoyaji Rest at Last
- Leo's Sublime Death
- Higeoyaji Meets Rune Riding on a Raft, and End Titles
