
Apr 7, 2022

Collaboration between Kousuke Shimizu and Tezuka Productions

The art works and merchandises in collaboration with the artist Kousuke Shimizu will be exhibited and sold in Japan in Tokyo and Osaka.

Category: Kimba news
Posted by: kimba

Several artworks are made in collaboration with Kousuke Shimizu, an artist that creates works by incorporating various methods and ideas such as analog collage, silk screen, illustration, graphics and semi-three-dimensional objects.

They will be exhibited in Tokyo on April 16 and 17, and in Osaka on April 23 an 24. The works exhibited will be silk screen prints and inkjet prints on paper and on aluminium and wooden boards, as well as figures, cushions, key holders, T-shirts and hoodies.

More info about these items is available on the official online store on Common base (in Japanese and machine-translated English).